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What does it take?

What does it take to operate an engaging social media profile? I assure you, us here at GRit have you covered. It all starts with getting to know your product. My time as Restaurant/Marketing Manager for 1 Bun Restaurant taught me a rollercoaster of knowledge that GRit will use to help take your business' social media presence to new heights.

Getting to know your product, and what it has to offer the world is an essential part to the success of any business. There are more than enough restaurants, clothing stores, construction companies and car dealerships out there in the world. Ask yourself, what makes my product standout from my competitors? It all centers back on how you market your product and how potential customers perceive it. For example, think of the word "hotdog." I'm sure there's a 90% chance the first thing that comes to mind is Yesterdog, given the fact we live in the Grand Rapids area. Yesterdog has been around for over 40 years, dominating the hotdog/quick bite scene for some time now. If you were going to open a hotdog restaurant, it'd be a risk trying to compete with a place so established and well known. Not impossible though.

Like any smart business professional, first you'd want to make sure your hotdog restaurant wasn't in the same area as Yesterdog. Second, it's all about how you market your product to over come the adversity of going up against the king of hotdogs. You need to let your customers know that your hotdogs, or whatever product you're selling, is better then your competitors. Not only do they want to see amazing photos, but they want it explained to them why your product is better then others. If you don't think your product is amazing, then why are you doing what you're doing? Here at GRit, we work hard and take pride in operating your business' social media platforms to install the message in your customer's heads that your product is simply the best.

When operating a business' day-to-day social media platform, original content and consistency is a must. At 1 Bun, I constantly took pictures daily and posted multiple times to engage our viewers and help us grow on the internet. In a year, I built a small hotdog restaurant to over 2,500 likes/followers on Facebook. Out of all the hotdog restaurants in the area, we were second behind Yesterdog with the most followers. Here at GRit, we take charge and make sure the content we post on your business' social media platforms are of the best photo quality and the most engaging for your customers. When your customers are happy, you're happy and that makes us at GRit happy.

Throughout my growing experience in the social media world, I've grown to notice that a lot of businesses either ignore or don't reply until hours or even days when a customer messages them. That is a severe red flag. That just shows your customer you just flat out don't care to hear what they have to say. At GRit, optimal waiting time for a response is around an hour at most. We strongly believe in messaging your customers back asap with the information they need, so they come visit your business even sooner. Also, making sure all your information like store hours, location, contact info and other social media platforms is readily available is a must when setting up any social media account.

There are many ways to build your business' image and grow as a company through social media. It's a skill many places fail to master and they don't reach their full potential because of it. GRit Social Media Agency is just getting started, but the knowledge I have and the determination I possess to help your business grow is the kind of quality you need in someone handling your business' day-to-day social media opertaions. These were just some of my secrets on how to optimize social media marketing. You'll just have to hire a GRit Agent to handle your day-to-day social media operations to truly experience how GRit can help your business reach its full potential.

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